Local Stewardship

Shasta Visions has a long-term wonderful relationship with The Mount Shasta Bioregional Ecology Center, donating to their incredible mission of protecting our local environment. Richard Lucas, owner of Shasta Visions, also serves as President of the Board of Directors, dedicating time and energy to this important cause.
The Mount Shasta Bioregional Ecology Center, founded in 1988, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting and restoring the outstanding natural environment and cultural values of Mount Shasta. Shasta is one of the sacred mountains of the world and is recognized to be of great importance locally, nationally and internationally in providing pure waters to the Sacramento Valley, rich biodiversity, numerous pristine natural sanctuaries, and sacred areas of high significance to Native American cultures near and far.
To us this means a healthy bioregion surrounding a Mountain shining in its white robe of snow, mantled by the ancient Shasta red fir forest and other lavish flora and wildlife. Encompassing five life zones, from arctic alpine to Sonoran desert, with waters running crystal pure and unpolluted skies, we encourage responsible stewardship and enjoyment by all human beings. Much of the area is pristine and beautiful, though some of it has suffered from logging and overuse and needs to be restored. Its natural values are continually threatened by misplaced ambitions for inappropriate commercial development and resource extraction.
Based in Mount Shasta, California, approximately 60 miles south of the Oregon/California border, at the headwaters of the Sacramento River, the Mount Shasta Bioregional Ecology Center was formally incorporated in 1990 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit grassroots citizens' organization to which donations are fully tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Please visit the Ecology Center website here and consider donating to protect this important organization.