The United Nations Headquarters in New York City, ideally the primary organization to promote Peace On Earth. The Gift Shop has been carrying Shasta Visions UN logo products since 1990.
Eber De Lao, head buyer, showing the UN logo Earth Marble, next to the display of the Shasta Visions UN logo Natural Earth Keychains in the shop.
For over 30 years, Shasta Visions has helped promote Peace On Earth by supporting the Nobel Peace Center in Oslo Norway, many Foundations, Peace Museums & World Cultural Centers, Libraries & Educational Bookstores, Peace, Justice & Retreat Centers & Specialty Bookstores all around the World.

Shasta Visions has been supporting the mission of Greenpeace International & USA for decades.
Our customized Greenpeace logo products are given to honor Board Members and to inspire, encourage and motivate staff and volunteers. In September, 2018, Shasta Visions attended the Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco as guests of Greenpeace.

Annie Leonard, Executive Director of Greenpeace, USA with Richard Lucas of Shasta Visions, on the deck of the good ship Arctic Sunrise.

Madeline Carretero, Major Gifts & Development Officer of Greenpeace, USA with Aron and Richard Lucas of Shasta Visions, holding the Shasta Visions 6" Natural Aqua Crystal Earth Sphere. This Globe was the centerpiece for the Greenpeace Board of Directors Meeting during the Summit.
Annie Leonard, Executive Director of Greenpeace, USA with Richard Lucas of Shasta Visions, on the deck of the good ship Arctic Sunrise.
Madeline Carretero, Major Gifts & Development Officer of Greenpeace, USA with Richard and Aron Lucas of Shasta Visions, holding the Shasta Visions 6" Natural Aqua Crystal Earth Sphere. This Globe was the centerpiece for the Greenpeace Board of Directors Meeting during the Summit.

Shasta Visions 6" Natural Aqua Crystal Earth Sphere, enhancing the Wine Bar on the Arctic Sunrise deck.

Richard Lucas Owner/Founder/Cartographer of Shasta Visions with the Greenpeace Arctic Sunrise ship in port in San Francisco, CA September 2018 for the Global Climate Action Summit.
Shasta Visions 6" Natural Aqua Crystal Earth Sphere, enhancing the Wine Bar on the Arctic Sunrise deck.
Richard Lucas Owner/Founder/Cartographer of Shasta Visions with the Greenpeace Arctic Sunrise ship in port in San Francisco, CA September 2018 for the Global Climate Action Summit.
The Arctic Sunrise has a rich history. The Russian government seized the ship and the 30 peaceful activists on board in 2013 when Greenpeace protested Arctic oil drilling by the Russian company Gazprom (click here to read more). The Arctic Sunrise was also the first ship to circumnavigate James Ross Island in the Antarctic. It has worked to stop Japanese whaling fleets’ attempts to pursue their so-called scientific whaling program, chased private vessels fishing illegally, navigated both the Congo and the Amazon, and performed independent assessment of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The Arctic Sunrise spent January and February 2018 doing research in Antarctica to build the case for establishing the world’s largest marine sanctuary in the Southern Ocean. Continue reading at

The Rainbow Warrior Custom Greenpeace Natural Earth Keychain

The Rainbow Warrior Custom Greenpeace Natural Earth Necklace
The Rainbow Warrior Custom Greenpeace Natural Earth Keychain
The Rainbow Warrior Custom Greenpeace Natural Earth Necklace
Since 1995, Shasta Visions has provided Play For Peace with our Earth products for promotion, gifts for children and custom Awards for Board Members and Sponsors.
Their worldwide influence is in more than 60 communities in 22 countries. Their Mission is to bring together children, youth and organizations in communities affected by conflict, using cooperative play to create laughter, compassion and peace. Their Vision is to ignite learning initiatives in regions around the globe, networking as one united community that contributes to a more peaceful world. Click here to continue learning!

In 2008, Shasta Visions created the first Erdman Campbell Globe Award for the Joseph Campbell Foundation to recognize Stuart Brand & Alexander Rose "for contributions to the Mythopoetic Imagination."
Photos show; the Award, Richard Lucas of Shasta Visions, left, Brand, center, and Bob Walter, executive director and board president of the Joseph Campbell Foundation, right. Stuart Brand and Alexander Rose admiring their Awards.

Stuart Brand was the founding editor of the Whole Earth Catalog and founded a number of organizations, including The WELL, the Global Business Network, and the Long Now Foundation. He was a part of Ken Keseys "Merry Pranksters" and co-produced the Trips Festival in San Francisco, an early effort involving rock music, light shows and the Grateful Dead performing in San Francisco. In 1966, Brand campaigned to have NASA release the then-rumored satellite image of the entire Earth as seen from space. He sold and distributed buttons for 25 cents each asking, "Why haven't we seen a photograph of the whole Earth yet?". During this campaign, Brand met Richard Buckminster Fuller, who offered to help Brand with his projects. In 1967, a satellite, ATS-3, took the photo. Brand thought the image of our planet would be a powerful symbol. It adorned the first (Fall 1968) edition of Brand's Whole Earth Catalog. Later in 1968, NASA astronaut Bill Anders took an Earth photo, Earthrise, from Moon orbit, which became the front image of the spring 1969 edition of the Catalog. 1970 saw the first celebration of Earth Day. During a 2003 interview, Brand explained that the image "gave the sense that Earth's an island, surrounded by a lot of inhospitable space. And it's so graphic, this little blue, white, green and brown jewel-like icon amongst a quite featureless black vacuum." Find out more about this amazing man here. Another way of supporting peace on earth.....